

Monday, December 16, 2013



A. Background of the Study

       Zombies are defined as a human-like creature with is reanimated from the dead. They were shambling around the cities to find healthy victims and eat its flesh and brain. They were always seen by the people as enemies or foes. The myths believed that if a zombie bit a human, the body of a human when they were infected will mutate until they will turn into a zombie. There are types of zombies; Classic zombie, Fast Zombie and a Super Zombie. They were different on how they move and eat their victims. Zombies were very exposed to people nowadays because of the movies and games produced. (http://www.zombiebiology.com/what-is-a-zombie/)

       The origin of zombies is come from the story about a person in Haiti. He has been turned to a zombie caused by the fluid came from a fish. The fish is called the porcupined-fish (fou-fou). It is said to be have a poisonous fluid that causes a person to be out of his mind and slowly turned to a mindless person. You can easily point out a person who is infected because they are raised from the dead. (Keegan, www.flmnh.ufl.edu)

      According to a quotation by George Romero, creator of Night of the Living Dead, “Zombies don't represent anything in my mind except a global change of some kind. And the stories are about how people respond or fail to respond to this. That's really all they've represented to me ( http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ZombieApocalypse )".

       Some people see zombie enthusiasts as insane citizens. Zombie enthusiasts are people who have high admiration to zombies. They love zombies than anything else. Today, people are fond of zombie related things such as movies and games. Because of those materials, some people boost their likeness to zombies until they were called a zombie enthusiast. In terms of people wanted to experience zombie apocalypse, it is interconnected about people’s fascination about them. Because some researchers believe that people’s likeness to zombies gives them a reason to see or experience zombie apocalypse by themselves.

       For instance, this study come up into this topic because of the news about people who fascinates zombies are crazy. Based on other people beliefs, a zombie is more trustworthy than the some people these days. Some sort ideas believe that people fascinate zombies because those people are not satisfied to the government they are standing and following. They prefer to see zombies eating more likely people which they imagine that it is the person who is leading his/her country into an unstable change. But anything else, Zombies still needs further research and investigation for us to clarify or to satisfy the needs of those mouth-watering zombie fanatics. They are still hungry for the knowledge about zombies.

       Because reading many articles and news about people’s fascination is too time consuming, this paper helps to explain why people want to experience zombie apocalypse.

B. Statement of the Problem

       This study aims to answer this question:

1.Why do people love/want to experience zombie apocalypse?

C. Significance of the Study

Knowledge-lacking person about zombies. The knowledge that people will acquire from this research will help them get out of their curiosity in about zombies. This is a way for them to understand why some people are used to be an addict to zombies. Even though, this research is only about a little percent of the capacity that you can get from learning about the true story behind these flesh-eating creatures and a glance for what may happen in the future.

Psychologist. This research was connected to people’s behavior in which a it is a psychologist field. Therefore, some people were not too knowledgeable that why there are some questions occurring to the behavior about zombie enthusiast. This paper may help to proof out why zombie enthusiasts admire zombie that much.

Zombie Enthusiast/Zombologist. This research paper would be satisfying the need of a person who fascinates zombies. This may help to improve or enhance people’s eagerness to love zombies. They may use the information imparted to this research to spread in patronizing zombies.

Future Researchers. This seems to be helpful for the future researchers that may have the same study as this research provided especially to those researchers that will focus about zombies. It will help them to figure out some parts of the knowledge that researchers may get when doing their research easily.

D. Scope and Delimitation

       This study focuses on giving reasons why people wanted to experience zombie apocalypse. Fascination of people to zombies were included because the main reason why people wanted to experience it because they like zombies.

       This topic is very wide-ranged. This will no longer tackle on about different parts and thoughts about zombies. This study aims to provide factual reasons that a people may like to experience zombie apocalypse and in the same time focus on the people’s rising fascination to zombies. For instance, Researchers believe that deep fascination to zombies made them to be eager to see by themselves the realistic view of zombie apocalypse. This study serves as a proof for a fascination of zombies that this study is willing to make a research about them. This is because of that zombies can conquer all. It is rampant on the people’s way of living.

E. Materials and Methods

       This research attempts to establish connection between psychological behavior and zombie fascination since this study was giving factual ideas about the topic and people’s psychological behavior to support my research’s main idea. It helps me to motivate readers to continuously learn more about my research and widen their minds that zombies can affect people’s behavior. This method is defined as a connection of two different aspects and explained together. This method is appropriate since this study was about to give thoughts on why people wanted to experience a zombie apocalypse.

       Information presented in this research was gathered from different references such as books and since we have modern technologies now, some information was gathered from different articles and blogs created by different people. For instance, this study included the general things that a zombie enthusiast knows.

F. Definition of Terms

Zombie. A human-like creature which shambles around cities and towns with outstretched arms and mindlessly killing people and eat each and everyone’s flesh or brain.

Zombologist. A person who acts like a, "know-it-all", about a subject involving zombies.

Zombie Apocalypse. An imaginary scenario for people in which the world will be infected and invaded by zombies. A survival world where people should cope up in order to live.


       Why do people love/want to experience zombie apocalypse?


       Zombie fascination leads people to experience zombie apocalypse. Zombie fascination is said to be a mark of a sick society. It seems that the society involved is having an increasingly growth of citizens in which they are given over to violence, death and abnormal obsession to zombies. People should not be deceived of the fact that fascination to zombies are also meant to fascinating death. Fascinating death is not normal. It could be an adherence for people to live in darkness which can affect people’s behavior. On the other side, it is true that zombie fascination is a choice. People cannot stop someone once he/she is decided to live their life surrounded by zombie concepts and interpretation. It is a bad idea though it makes a person to be independent, critical-thinker, and it helps to increase people’s moral to motivate them to achieve what they want in life.

       Behaviors of the people were affected by zombie fascination. It is either in positive or negative way. But most of the people believe that it doesn’t have any positive aspects towards people’s behavior. They believe that it only pushes people to do gore and insane things. A person who fascinates zombies is being lonesome, emotional and anti-social. It is cannot be said that their belief is wrong because people can observe things using their senses. People can see children playing video games that has a goal to rip off other people or creature that can develop violence through their minds. They see it as a Satan’s way to spread evil. But for some reason, people cannot blame zombie addicts because of its joy and pleasure it gives to people. Zombies can be way to forget the problems and struggles they were experiencing today. That’s why people wanted to experience zombie apocalypse.


a.It makes things simple.

       In an article entitled, "Deep Down, Everyone Wants a Zombie Apocalypse", MyDearPeaBody says that; people’s life is very complicated nowadays. We need to spend like 14 years in school. After going to school, get a job. Well, it is not that easy. Applying for a job will makes you feel stress and depressed. As a person, we need to take challenges and problems. If in case of a zombie apocalypse, the only thing you need to think is to STAY ALIVE and KILL ZOMBIES. It is very simple. Less work, Less Stress and Less Problems. 

       “Compared with modern life, stripping existence down to food, shelter, transportation and a defined role in a group has a certain appeal. Your options are limited (but stealing/salvaging is totes okay, so money doesn’t matter), which makes life simple. Either you do, or you don’t, and that’s that. You have two jobs to do: stay alive and kill zombies. You don’t have to think about who you really are or what you want to do with your life or whether or not you are truly honoring yourself with your life choices (http://groupthink.jezebel.com/deep-down-everyone-wants-a-zombie-apocalypse-492998559)".

       This means that, Life will be easier and simpler than the life we are used to. They give people’s view point of how life is complicated nowadays; you need to find a job in order to survive. It is a person’s choice if they prefer to die or to kill. Killing is bad but dying is worst. In a zombie apocalypse, it will be simple. It provides fewer obligations, less work and less responsibility. You will only be focusing on surviving by gathering enough supplies, killing zombies and avoid to be bite by a zombie.

       Similar to what he author suggested, another article mentions how a simple lifestyle may be beneficial to a person’s mental health. In an article entitled, “The Power of Simplicity”, TejVan says:

       “The simpler we can become, the sooner we shall reach our destination. A life of simplicity is a life of constant progress. It is in simplicity that we can make the fastest progress, progress which is everlasting (http://www.srichinmoybio.co.uk/blog/life/the-power-of-simplicity/)”.

       In general, being simple is not a problem yet, it is a stepping stone for you to be successful in a simple way. Being simple gave a person peace of mind, less thinking and planning, avoids unnecessary judgments, let people focus on achievement and mostly, it provides happiness to the people. Achieving your goals in simple way will be better.

       The researcher believed that people are curious about zombie apocalypse. What if it will exist and we are not prepared? What if you will be eaten? What if you will die early? Those are some question that will pop out in people’s mind. It will make them realize things more than they thought before. If in that case, the will imagine their expected thing that might happen. Some of it will form good and beautiful things for them and makes them hungry for zombie apocalypse.

b. People know who their foes are.

       According to an article entitled, "Deep Down, Everyone Wants a Zombie Apocalypse", MyDearPeaBody says that; some people are tired of living his life with people bullying him/her. Today, we are not truly confident to whom we should give our trust or we are not sure who our friends are. Some of them teased you when you’re not with them and talk about negative things about you that make you feel pity. In case of the breakdown, our enemies are zombies. But, we should not take advantage in that situation; some of the people are also living to survive and needed enough supplies to use in surviving. Some of them kill other survivors for their own sake. But it is better than living in a world full of unknown thoughts and mysteries.

       “Bad guy = zombie. That, and possibly Person Who Is Currently Pointing a Gun at You. There is no hesitation and no pesky moral questions. The dead are trying to eat us, and since they are undead monsters, we are doing the entire world a favor by putting them down. End of discussion.(http://groupthink.jezebel.com/deep-down-everyone-wants-a-zombie-apocalypse-492998559)”.

       Which means that in our world nowadays, even the people we can call as friends can possibly become your enemy. That is because not at all times you know how they think and you don’t know what their friendship truly means. If the calamity will come, you will face only countable enemies it is the zombies. Even though there are also other people, they will come to think of killing other people because they will be alone in case of that situation.

       Connected to what the author suggested, another article proves the essence of knowing your enemies. In an article entitled, “Mafioso: Know Your Enemy”, Mr. Mafioso says that;

       “If you know your enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles (http://www.askmen.com/money/mafioso_150/181_mafia.html)”.

       It means that, it is better to know your enemies because it is a matter of life and death. If you know your enemies, you can plan and prepare on whom you will fight back or whom you will avoid with. It is your advantage to know your enemies rather than knowing who your friends are. It is an act/way of being aware and prepared.

c. It forces people to draw together.

       In an article entitled, “Deep Down, Everyone Wants a Zombie Apocalypse", MyDearPeaBody says that; It is true, but not all of them wanted to be alone. They need comrades and people to rely on when they feel so doomed and freaked out. Teamwork is a need. People wanted to live right? So, it is a bold decision to have colleagues because they can back you up in case of a danger. You can make and meet more friends if a zombie apocalypse will occur or exist. Having a friend together with you will make things easier than being alone.

       “We don’t get a choice! We form partnerships, groups, alliances forged in Battles with Biters. We can’t sabotage ourselves by just neglecting friendships, we can’t get lost in the Internet, and smaller issues that used to plague friendships just don’t matter anymore. (http://groupthink.jezebel.com/deep-down-everyone-wants-a-zombie-apocalypse-492998559)”.

       Which means that it is better to fight with a person around you who is more efficient than to fight with a bunch and colony of zombies alone in a battlefield. In a calamity like zombie apocalypse, you need support and comrades to kill zombies. As to the quotation, “Two heads are better than one” and “No man is an Island”. You can’t live in a world like this if you are only on yourself. 

       Connected on the author’s suggestion, an article mentioned about the benefits of teamwork to the people entitled, “Benefits of Teamwork”, Samuel Hui says that;

       “You cannot do everything yourself. Accepting help or delegating responsibility is not a sign of weakness, but a growing process that helps you progress as an employee (http://www.askmen.com/money/successful_150/163_success.html)”.

       In conclusion, Asking for help is a sign of building courage and not a sign of weakness. It helps to motivate not to de-motivate and a proof of power not fear. We can ask for help for us to achieve something with the help of someone which means a lot for a person who offered help. It is a time for a person who lacks of confidence about gathering colleagues.

d. Free Stuffs

       In an article entitled, “Why PEOPLE LOVE THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE”, Jonathan Edward Brown says that; the act of the world is doomed and the zombies invaded the world. All of the people will turn into a zombie and will not anymore care for their things. It is a big opportunity for the people to get what they want and experience all what they hope for without any consequences or involving any amount of money. It is free to get you want because in that time, there is no rules or regulations and policemen who will catch you up and will put you into jail that will make you suffer might turned to a zombie too.

       “Zombie Apocalypse Scenarios leave the survivors a fairly pristine environment with the occasional pile-up of crashed cars, smashed store front windows, and burnt down houses. The majority of the infrastructure survives the availability of commodities remains at acceptable levels. Sure, there’s no electricity, heat, medical care, or sense of personal safety, but holy s**t look at all this free stuff! (http://www.popmythology.com/why-people-love-the-zombie-apocalypse/#)”.

       Which means that, In case of the calamity, people can have what they want even without paying for it. The malls and stores will be open for those who is in need just because the owner possibly became a zombie in that time and there is no rules. The goal in that time is to live and survive. It doesn’t matter on how you will get your supplies because what really matters is that you have supplies to survive in that calamity. Not only the supplies but also gadgets or anything that satisfy people’s pleasure will make people motivate to face their fate.

       Similar to the author’s thought, since the free stuffs serve as motivators. Another article mentions how things serve as motivators/boosting instruments to the zombie apocalypse’s survivors. In an article entitled, “The Benefits of Motivation”, Kathrin Tschiesche says; motivation improves self-confidence and enhances our self-discipline.

       “In order for you to motivate others, you need to understand what will drive them to take appropriate action. This requires that you take the time to understand what is important to the people you want to motivate. Then you must use that knowledge to create motivating systems in the workplace. In some cases you might not be able to motivate every person on your team the same way. You may need to get creative and think in non-traditional terms as to how to get people revved up about what they need to accomplish. (http://bookboon.com/blog/2011/10/the-benefits-of-motivation/)”.

In conclusion, the needs, wants and material things serve as a boosting instrument for people. It makes people to be motivated to experience zombie apocalypse. Because as it was stated in the article above, you can get what you want in case of a calamity. Since our world is powered by money, you can’t get what you want easily. People want to achieve things that they don’t have and to get all they want. Experiencing zombie apocalypse is one of the possibilities that the things you want can came into reality. 

e. Entertainment

       The researcher believed that, As people sees on the movies, they will take zombie apocalypse as exciting, challenging and bored-defying experience. Since the movies shows that it is a survivable calamity, people will think between the lines and imagine things that will cover their boredom. It is a point of view that people will experience happiness if zombie apocalypse will happen.

       Similar to the thought that the researcher gave, an article mentioned the effects of entertainment to people’s behavior. In an article entitled, “The Psychology of Entertainment “, Saberi Roy says that;

       “Entertainment takes us to a different world and feeds our need for fantasy and an escape from real life. This is especially true for entertainment that is more public or provided by the media and entertainment provided by films, theatre, music, and all forms of creative art. Films and theatre transposes us to a world of fantasy and grabs our attention so we remain engrossed as almost a part of this alternative reality. Entertainment could also be in the form of magazine stories and gossip or even celebrity culture and the psychology of entertainment could also explain the extreme craze of celebrity culture that we have in the modern world (http://EzineArticles.com/4586950)”.

       This means that entertainment can occur into different aspects of people’s life. Entertainment gives happiness. Happiness leads to curiosity and eagerness. Since zombie apocalypse was seen as an exciting scenerio that let people think that that calamity is entertaining. The means of giving happiness leads people to love zombie and to pursue experiencing zombie apocalypse.


       In this study, it conclude that a person could take chance to experience zombies apocalypse according to their own book of ethics, behavior and belief. It is not just that they are zombie enthusiast but they have the quality of a person that can be a reason for them to burst their imaginative skills and be eager to experience the zombie breakdown. People can be different by their behavior but behaviors can meet into the same intersection or the same thought. It is like a two person that is totally opposite with each other but it is surely that they have something that both of them attract each other. Zombie apocalypse is still a false scenario that doesn’t have any proof of any existence. But, this study will just help people to understand the attitude and behavior of those people who loves to experience zombie apocalypse. They are just having a wide IMAGINATION. So, think first before judging people that is unusual to you or into your society. Respect is the only key for you to appreciate what they want.

       People believe that experiencing zombie apocalypse enhances people’s imagination. We people should increase or widen the focal point of our imagination. According to Peter Dendle, author of The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia, It is true that zombies can exist and possible to produce a zombie-like human or creature. Suddenly, Zombie is still just a product of our creepy and gore imagination. It seems that people who did zombies acquire a great capacity of imagination to create a wide-spreading idea like this. It consumes a lot of time for different people to come up for an idea that will be popularized in different ages and in countries/races

       Zombie serves as a way to enhance emergency preparedness. According to Mr. M. G. Saldivar, zombie apocalypse is a motivation for people to be more aware and prepared. The research believed that it is a way of learning. People who wanted to experience burst their eagerness to experience zombie apocalypse. If in that case, they will be practicing and familiarizing some methods that can help them survive in an outbreak including preparedness and awareness. So, people could apply it into reality and put into the book of their own ethics (http://cogsciblog.wordpress.com/2011/05/20/the-psychology-of-zombies/).

       People see that zombie apocalypse is an exciting scenario of their lives. People don’t totally love the idea of zombie apocalypse. People just want it because it is fun doing as presented to us by the movies. We are fond of watching zombie-related things that makes zombies more attractive and exciting. According to Pop Mythology about Zombies, The truth behind people’s admiration to zombie apocalypse is that zombie apocalypse is survivable among different scenarios or calamity that may happen. People wanted to experience zombie apocalypse than tsunamis because there is no way out to tsunamis. Next, People can exert the skills that they tried to do before. Since people are fond of watching zombie movies, some of them invent and plansome ways to kill zombies. Also, People wanted to experience zombie apocalypse because you can get what you want in case of the calamity. You can get things that you want in a mall or eat what you want because when the calamity comes, businesses are down and surviving is on. Lastly, People want it because of the idea that they can kill or do what they want to the person who made his/her life ruined if it is infected (http://www.popmythology.com/why-people-love-the-zombie-apocalypse/).

       The researcher believes that people wanted to experience zombie apocalypse because of their mere fascination to zombies. People gain happiness by fascinating zombies in means of the technology and also because of the knowledge acquired by the people from different sources about zombies. However, there are people opposing the existence of the things about them that makes zombologist as an insane person in which they are not. The behavior of people depends on their own ethics and beliefs about a topic. That’s why; this study shows or explains some alternative ways of thinking on about people who fascinate zombies.



       This paper wanted to explain why people love to experience zombie apocalypse.

       The research design that was used in this study is the connection research method wherein the research should connect people’s behavior as a cause for people to be eager to experience zombie apocalypse so badly. The research findings are the following:

1.)Zombies are imaginary dead creatures that came back to life to eat human flesh and brains. They were created to be feared by people but at some point they were ironically treated because some people were fascinated to zombies.

2.)People who fascinate zombies are not insane. They are just showing their patriotism and love in their wants. People have different taste in choosing what they love and want. So, people should understand the stance of zombie enthusiast and treat them normally.

3.)Some people wanted to experience zombie apocalypse because they fascinate zombies. Some people are very exposed and knowledgeable about zombies. The knowledge about zombies will trigger and help them to find out that zombie apocalypse is very fun and informative.

4.)This study helps people to know more about zombies, to enlighten their minds on about the people who fascinate zombies and provide ideas to support why people love to experience zombie apocalypse.


       Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were formulated:

1.)Zombie Apocalypse will not just ruin people’s world. It also gives some benefits such as improving people way of thinking and provides imaginative interests.

2.)People love to experience zombie apocalypse because of the happiness it will provide even the world it suffering. It is a matter of balancing emotions.

3.)It is hard to convince or persuade someone who is totally adapted to zombie fascination to quit on their unpredictable imagination and dreams.

4.)Zombie fascination is a form of a wide imagination. Imagining the things that may happen to a zombie apocalypse needs high and factual knowledge to formulate.


       After formulating the conclusions of this study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1.)A person who doesn’t have enough knowledge about zombies should browse and understand what is a person’s side before giving judgments unto its behavior and acts.

2.)People who wanted to research about zombie apocalypse should gather enough sources to read about for them to be more excited in knowing all about the things that is related to zombies. Zombies are not just a foe but also a friend. There are still hidden mysteries and unanswerable puzzles behind zombies that future researches should took some time to solve for the future of the people’s world.


Electronic Media:

“Reasons” (n.d.), Retrieved: Nov. 28, 2013 from http://www.askmen.com/money/mafioso_150/181_mafia.html

“Reasons” by MyDearPeaBody (2013), Retrieved: Nov. 30, 2013 from http://groupthink.jezebel.com/deep-down-everyone-wants-a-zombie-apocalypse-49299855

“Reasons” by Jonathan Edward Brown (2013), Retrieved: Nov. 30, 2013 from http://www.popmythology.com/why-people-love-the-zombie-apocalypse/

“Reasons” by Saberi Roy (2008), Retrieved: December 2, 2013 from http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Psychology-of-Entertainment&id=4586950

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