

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blogpost 1: Zombies: World-Conquering Creatures


         Resident Evil, The Walking Dead, Zombieland, 28 Days Later, Night of the Living Dead, Last Man Standing, Zomblies, Warm Bodies, Plants Vs. Zombies, Left 4 Dead, Zombies by Cranberries and the World War Z. Those are the Zombie-related movies, song and games that I have been watching, playing and listening since I was in pre-adolescent years.. Even the game Warcraft III that some people are used to does have a relation to zombies because of the scourge alliance that produces ghouls and abominations as their comrades to help invade the opposite alliance ( sentinel ) which can be classified as Zombies and the game can be considered a zombie-related game.

          Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!

         Nowadays, Most of the people are exposed in the world of zombies. But, Aren't we curious about what is a Zombie? Can it be possible to Zombies exist in this world?

          A Zombie is a dead body reincarnated to eat human flesh and brains. They were created by different means. A Zombie was described as a person-figured creature with pale skin, walking with outstretched arms facing in front and have a scary face. The myths believed that if a Zombie bit a human/person, after a couple of time, It will turn as a Zombie and it will starts to live finding someone to eat.

          According to an article named 5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen by David Wong, Zombies can exist in our world by the use of science. These are the following causes a person could turn into a zombie;

          1. Nanobots
          2. Neurogenesis
          3. The Real Rage Virus
          4. Neurotoxins
          5. Brain Parasites

           Nanobots, technology made and invented in order to made a person terrifying. Its ability can destroy and build. But, some people describes it as a mankind destroyer. Scientist is just resisting the fact that this kind of invention can be a cause of world's destruction. Scientist created nano-cyborg by fusing a silicon chip to a virus. They've found out if this nano-cyborg was implanted to a host, this will remained even the host was deceased. the nanobots will accommodate the damages taking place on your brain. How can it be turn into a zombie? In the future, people will need to program nanobots to keep you body functioning even you die. If you died, your body will will be controlled in order for the nanobots to find a new host. For them to transfer the host should bite a hole in a healthy victim like zombie does.

           Neurogenesis, it is a method to re-grow dead brain cells. This method needs a stem cell in order to process this method. That why this kind of method offers a big controversy into people. Stem Cells came from a human embryo or "fetus". This methods also bring dead back to life by re-growing its brain cells. This was proven because of the fact that a chicken can live and walk around beheaded. If the time comes and this method will be legalized. Many people will use it to produce work slaves. If this will spread, all the workers will be zombify. I will not be shocked if North Korea will have this in the future.

         The Real Rage Virus, it is a virus that turn humans into a mindlessly killing machines. This is where Mad Cow Disease will occur. Mad Cow Disease attacks the cow's spinal cord and brain and it turn to a mindless, stumbling and attacking cow. If a person ate a cow infected by that disease it will turn into a different person and will acquire a disease called Creutzfeldt-Jakob. These are the symptoms when a person have this kind of disease;
         - Changes in gait (walking)
          - Hallucinations
          - Lack in Coordination (eg. falling)
          - Muscle Twitching
          - Myoclonic Jerks or Seizure
          - Rapidly developing delirium or dementia

         If this disease will be more critical than normal, it can turn a person to a zombie which will find a healthy victim to transmit this disease by blood-on-blood contact or blood-on-saliva contact which needs a bite to transfer.

        Neurotoxins, this a kind of poison which slows your body functions until you will be considered as dead.  The fugu (Japanese Blowfish) produces this kind of poison. The victims can be brought back to life using a drug called datura stramonium (and other chemicals called alkaloids) that leaves a trance-like person with no memory but can still perform basic task like walking, eating, moaning and shambling around with an outstretch arms facing in front. This cause was happened in Haiti; where zombies originated and was publish and produced to a movie titled The Serpent and the Rainbow. This was happened to a Haitian guy named Clairvius Narcisse who was declared dead and buried in 1962. The investigation turned out that the guy was wandering around all over 18 years and found out that this guy was zombified by a local voodoo priest to work in a sugar plantation. It is just like neurogenesis. If this will be considered, many will have this kind of method to have an obedient workers. But, if those workers will turn aggressive it will turn to a human killing zombie.

       Brain Parasites, this was the common cause among the 5 causes because it is used for many movies as a cause of zombie apocalypse. Parasites turns people to mindless, zombie-like victims. The toxoplasmosa gondii that makes a person to devote itself being terrifying. this was transmitted if this bugs comes in to your intestine and goes through your brain. This like transmitting through food chain;                                                                                                                          
 For me, Science is the mostly cause of a Zombie Apocalypse. Science is very powerful. It proven many facts. So, I must believe that zombie apocalypse is possible. I am excited to know that it possible because as a zombie-addict, I always dreamt to see a real zombie and experience a true to life zombie apocalypse but in the same time, I was scared because many question in my head popped out.  Can i survive if that calamity will happen? Can I help to lessen those zombies? We should be prepared and ready in order to be aware on what will happen to us.


      Now, we are knowledgeable about that zombie apocalypse is possible. so, we need to take a step in order to survive in that kind of calamity. I will took this opportunity to list some practical way to survive in a zombie apocalypse. This ways was an insight of the article entitled, How to Survive A Zombie Apocalypse: A Beginners Guide by Carl Pettit;

      1.) Don't get bitten by a zombie. It is the first and most important rule. If you were get bitten, in a couple of minutes you will turn into a flesh-eating creature. If that moment comes, you need to decide to tell it immediately to your fellow survivors and let them kill you and bury you peacefully or hide it to them and slowly your turning to one of those zombies.

      2.) Wear a comfortable dress and shoes. for women, avoid using high heels. I prefer to use running shoes, rubber shoes, trail shoes or you could be bare-footed to be more comfortable while running. For the clothes, I prefer to use comfortable t-shirts and jogging pants but it is more good if you putted many layers of clothes as if you can run. Because, it is an another way of preventing to get bitten.

      3.) This way is little kind of discrimination. Avoid fat people. They will just slows you down because fat people has low stamina and easily to get hungry. They will be just a dessert for zombies.

      4.) Stock up many canned goods. dehydrated foods, fuel, medicines, outdoor clothing and weapons. As if you will stay in your house.

      5.) If your house is nearby a body of water, I would prefer to have a boat. Zombies are good runners but they are not good in swimming. They have lack skills in water so that they cannot reach your boat.

     6.) Bomb Shelter could be helpful. But it is not a good idea. because you will be needing many supplies and you can't just stay inside of that house.

     7.) Use teamwork. Don't split up to others. The strength is according to the number of people inside your group. If you are alone, you can handle an army of zombies and you can't get rid of them so, don't be selfish.

     8.) Make your house zombie-proof. Put some traps and alarms if a zombie is approaching through your house. In order for you to be aware and prepare.

     9.)  Stock up back-ups. Prepare other basic things that you need in order not to experience shortage in case of the calamity comes.

     Addition ...

    10.) Weapons are very useful.

    For me, we can survive if it is GOD WILL to let us survive. But, It is also your choice to kill zombies as you can or to be killed and eaten by them.

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